Respect for Diversity Skills

You will never influence the world by being just like it

Respect for Diversity

Diversity means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing each other’s individual differences” .The definition adopted as part of the LSCE Framework for respect for diversity is defined in this broader way and includes “race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other characteristics” (UNICEF and partners, 2017).

How does Respect for Diversity Skills help?

Using self-reported evidence, an association has been found between education interventions on respect for diversity and reduction in future intentions toward extremism and hate crime behaviour

Improved Peer Relationship

A systematic review of 32 studies conducted between 1980 and 2010 that assessed education interventions to reduce prejudice of young children under 8 identified that approximately 40 per cent of the interventions positively affected attitudes and improved peer relationships (Aboud and others, 2012).

Diversity Education

Adult education has been found to have reduced discriminatory attitudes (Feinstein and Hammond, 2004).

More Favourable Attitudes

This theory suggests that the more contact that people in ‘in-groups’ have with different ‘out-groups’, the individuals in the in-group becomes less prejudiced and develops more favourable attitudes toward the out-group (Allport, 1979).

More Tolerent Attitudes

The findings suggest that, in a wide range of countries, it is contact with second generation migrant groups who are settled and integrated in the country that helps in-group students to develop more generally tolerant attitudes to ethnic diversity (Janmatt, 2014).

How to assess my Respect for Diversity Skills?

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What does the Respect for Diversity Skills Test Assess?

1. The Munroe Multicultural Attitude Scale Questionnaire

The Munroe Multicultural Attitude Scale Questionnaire (MASQUE), that was theoretically based in Banks’s transformative approach, which specifically measured multicultural attitudes.


Munroe A. and Pearson C. The Munroe Multicultural Attitude Scale Questionnaire: A New Instrument for Multicultural Studies. Educational and Psychological Measurement 2006; 66:819.

Is it possible to learn Respect for Diversity Skills?

Existing research on skills for respect for diversity have been found to be malleable across the life span.